OLd Goucher Community Association
The Old Goucher Community Association is a diverse group of neighbors working together to strengthen the community. The OGCA focuses on issues of concern to residents of the neighborhood, including beautification of the streets and other public spaces, promoting economic development and investment, attracting new businesses and events, and supporting the safety and welfare of all our residents.
The current Old Goucher Community Association (OGCA) began in 2004 with adoption of the bylaws (see below for additional information). Recently the OGCA obtained 501c3 non-profit status and has extended invitations for interested residents and business owners below North Avenue to join in the work of the organization.
The Old Goucher Community Association aims to improve and revitalize the neighborhood, supporting a diverse, safe, vibrant community. OGCA seeks to improve the availability of public and private transportation, while simultaneously making the neighborhood safer and more pedestrian friendly. We also intend to improve the marketing of our neighborhood, and through that effort, to increase home ownership and provide more market rate living units that would benefit Old Goucher’s full spectrum of income levels. We wish to support aesthetic improvements to streets, buildings, and open spaces; to attract new businesses that would provide services to a broader range of clientele; and to protect our significant architectural heritage.
OGCA meets annually, with members of the Board meeting regularly throughout the year.
Check the News page for latest meeting dates, schedule changes, and minutes.
Contact OGCA
Old Goucher Community Association
2309 Maryland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21218
OGCA Board Members
Elected Officers
President – Kelly Cross
Vice President – Jay Orr
Standing Commitees
Urban Renewal Ordinance – Jay Orr
Interested in getting involved with OGCA?
Please contact one of the OGCA officers for additional information... or just come to our next meeting. We would love to meet you!
OGCA Bylaws
Adopted September 27, 2004, Amended October 7, 2019
NAME: The name of the organization, formerly the South Charles Village Community Association, is the Old Goucher Community Association, Inc.
PURPOSES: The purposes of the Association are to foster the general welfare of all residents, businesses, and workers in our community, maintain our community’s appearance, safety, and good order, promote cultural, racial, and ethnic harmony in our diversified neighborhood, and encourage responsible government.
BOUNDARIES: The boundaries of the Association are the center line of 20th Street on the south, properties on the east side of Calvert Street on the east, the centerline of 27th Street on the north, and properties on the west side of Howard Street on the west.
Membership requirements: Persons eligible to apply for membership in the association shall meet the following criteria: any person who resides, worships, works, owns a business, or owns property within the geographical boundaries of the association. For an eligible person to become a member, he must pay the annual membership dues as set by the Board of Directors and be accepted as a member by the Board.
Voting: All Members shall have one vote. There shall be no proxy voting.
Termination of Membership: A Membership will automatically be terminated if a Member no longer meets the criteria set forth in section 4.01 of the Bylaws.
Election: The officers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected from time to time or as vacancies arise.
Vacancies: Any vacancy occurring in any office, for whatever reason, shall be filled by a majority vote of the membership present at any membership meeting at which there is a quorum, and any officer so elected shall fulfill the term of his/her predecessor.
Resignation: An officer may resign only by submitting a written resignation to the Board of Directors.
Authorities and duties: The duties and responsibilities of the officers are those that usually pertain to these offices.
COMMITTEES: The Steering Committee is composed of the four officers and the chairs of any standing committees. Other committees necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Association can be organized by the officers and members.
DIRECTORS: Members of the Steering Committee will be the Board of Directors of the Association.
All members are notified at least a week in advance of the time, date, and place of each meeting. A quorum for the conduct of business consists of three of the Association’s officers. Meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Whenever possible, however, the members try to arrive at consensus. Full membership will meet at the call of the President.
The Steering committee will meet at least four times a year.
Annual Meeting: Election of Officers shall occur at the Annual Meeting. The annual meeting shall be announced to all the members of the association in writing at least one week prior to the meeting.
VOTING PROCEDURES: Voting may be done verbally, by raised hands, or by written ballot at the preference of the secretary.
AMENDMENTS: Amendments to the bylaws can be adopted at any regularly scheduled meeting after all members have been notified of the nature of the proposed amendments.